Senin, 04 Juli 2011

How Homeschooling Affects the Social Skills of Children [article from Articleranks]

How Homeschooling Affects the Social Skills of Children

Some years ago, a chilling event made the public aware of some of the darker consequences of the socialization process in public schools. A couple of maladjusted students killed a large number of their classmates at Columbine High School, the worst such incident in the nation's history. Other school shootings have also taken place, illustrating the fact that this wasn't a one-of-a-kind, freak occurrence. Various measures, such as increased security and cooperation from local police forces, to prevent future outbreaks of violence. Considering this situation, how can parents be blamed for wanting to protect their kids from this kind of danger? Naturally, parents who are homeschooling their children should be aware of the importance of socializing their kids and keeping them involved socially and culturally.

With some exceptions, public education today is in shambles and presents more threats and pitfalls than opportunities for children. Parents who want to give their children a good education, as well as keep them safe, have good reason to distrust most schools. Parents are more likely to ensure that their kids are properly educated, as well as socialized, than contemporary schools. When it comes to what they can see and experience, students in a traditional school are much more limited than those who are home schooled. Learning that's done from reading or online can be supplemented by a greater diversity of trips and outings than schools are able to provide. We must keep in mind that it's very common for children to suffer harm because of the dysfunctional socialization that often occurs in schools. There's little doubt that the typical experience at a mainstream school leaves many kids emotionally scarred. Many years of stressful and dysfunctional experiences can adversely impact the child for a very long time. When we face what really happens in schools, it's no longer possible to fall back on the argument that they're necessary for properly socializing kids. Children are more likely to cultivate their natural abilities when they're in a safe and nurturing home rather than in an institution. Children are more likely to emerge from this kind of experience with their self esteem intact.

Personal expression and development can be distorted by socializing with peers of the same age, however. This is obviously true when you consider what typically happens at public schools. Children typically just want to be accepted. Trying to fit in with their peers is the primary way they try to get accepted. Kids tend to gravitate toward others and form small groups or cliques. This behavior may be understandable, but it often costs the kids their personal identity and expression.

There are many sides to the whole argument of whether homeschooling helps or hinders socialization in children.

Children who are home schooled often have the opportunity to experience a unique and thorough education. On the other hands, parents who also take on the role of teachers have to realize that their kids have social as well as educational needs. If children are going to grow up in a balanced manner, they must be given plenty of social opportunities as well as academic instruction. The objective of all parents should be to give their children access to everything they need, which includes both social and academic resources.This information was brought to you by, your source for all things related on cell phones without contracts.

tags:Cell Phones Without Contracts,homeschooling develop effective socialization skills,social skills,homeschooling on children's social skills,socialization questions with homeschooling

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