Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Protect Yourself From Spam [article from Articleranks]

Protect Yourself From Spam

In 203, the first national standard around bulk unsolicited commercial email was signed by President Bush and it's called the "Can Spam." The bill prohibits senders of unsolicited commercial e-mail from using false return addresses to disguise their identity (spoofing) and the use of dictionaries to generate such mailers. In addition, it prohibits the use of misleading subject lines and requires that emails include an opt-out mechanism. The legislation also prohibits senders from harvesting addresses off Web sites. However, spam is, like the internet, international. These emails are harder to fight, because they come from outside our country's laws and regulations.

Follow these 4 tips to help protect you from spam.

Making your email addresses available on the Internet should be avoided.

Searching the Internet for email addresses to send email to are products which are called "spam spiders." If you are interested, then try searching for "spam spider" and you will actually be amazed at what you will discover.

Try these suggestions if you need some form of contact information on a website.

Use form emails, which can hide addresses.

Using sales@company.com instead of your personal address is another option.

There are programs available that encode your email address on web pages so that spam spiders find it difficult to read your email address.

You can also try to get a spam blocking software.

Available for this are many programs out there. Although some are free, you may want to buy a professional version if you have a problem with spam.

Try using the multiple email address approach.

A lot of free email addresses are what you can have. If you must subscribe to newsletters, then have a "back-up" email address.

Opening attachments from people you don't know is what you need to avoid.

Having attachments that would often unleash viruses is actually a common problem when it came to spam. As a general rule, if you don't know who is sending you something, then you must never open that attachment. Services that offer filtering is the second thing you need to do. Unsubscribing from spam just tells spammers they have a valid email address and they will sell it to other spammers.

Simple precautions like these can help to minimize the amount of spam you receive in your inbox. These precautions seem to be the better option if you add up how long it takes you to wade through and delete all the spam.

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tags:spam,Internet,computers,Internet and Computers

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